Home | Running Dungeons of Kathallion | Development | Bane Of Wargs

Dungeons of Kathallion is currently an in-development game. It has practically nothing for you to do while playing, for the map is tiny. The engine, however, is much more complete. It is not finished, but it mostly is.

If I were to tag the data files and the engine with separate versions, then I think the engine would be something like v0.8 and the data files would be Alpha.

For the most part, I will be working on figuring out the Dungeons of Kathallion story. It will include fighting your way to different locations, collecting useful items, exploring, and gathering extra information from dropped notes. All these things will be working towards rescuing your friend.

Another thing you will lear will be about who Kathallion was, and what these dungeons mean.

If you are interested in contributing to Dungeons of Kathallion, feel free to do so. Just note that I am handling the map and story, and please read the Contributing guidelines. You can find the repository here.